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揭露缺德惡行,IG 專頁為保護公共土地發聲




剛創立的 Instagram 專頁 Public Lands Hate You,搜羅了不少這些網紅所做過的「罪證」,近期比較矚目的事例正是美國加州野罌粟花盛放(相關報道),大量賞花民眾踏植被上拍照,此舉既破壞土地,亦踩死花草!




Public Lands Hate You 專頁也希望能教育大眾,在公共土地上甚麼是負責任的行為,同時在發現有人濫用公共土地時,能夠向他解釋原因。若然教育方法沒有幫助,Public Lands Hate You 會採取更激烈的方法,例如在網上公開事件,藉「網上公審」收阻嚇效果。


至於為何要保持匿名?他坦言  Public Lands Hate You 揭露不少網絡紅人的「惡行」,他們或會因商業贊助商的壓力,而威脅  Public Lands Hate You 專頁。匿名的身份一定程度上有助專頁能正常運作。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Enough doom and gloom. I want to share some positive inspiration. These photos all show people responsibly enjoying the wildflower fields. These people appear to be having fun. The photos are beautiful. Thousands of people like the photos. And, GASP, they are still 100% on the trail!!!! . Many people have responded to polite education about staying on the trail by saying things like “It’s #photoshopped” – “It’s a good camera angle” - “I’m actually on a trail, you just can’t see it” – “I was reallllly careful not to step on the flowers” – “Read the caption you illiterate, degenerate, scumbag, it says #nopoppieswereharmed”, etc etc. . The fact is, it doesn’t matter. If your followers can’t see that you are on an official trail, what is your picture leading them to believe? Is it suggesting that its ok to walk through undisturbed wildflower fields? What about your followers who don’t have Photoshop but want the same great photo? What do you think they are going to do to get the shot? Is it really that much of a stretch to believe that they might say “f*ck it” and quickly lie down in the flowers with their selfie stick while they think no one is looking? . Bottom line, we are ALL influencers. Whether we influence one person, 100 people, or 18 million people (I’m looking at you @youtube). Your actions and what you share with others do have an impact on how other people act. We owe it to ourselves, our friends, and our families to act in a way that promotes good behavior and will help preserve our public lands for everyone’s enjoyment, now and generations down the line. Remember, actions speak louder than words. . . ***Also, if I see one more “call me big poppy” caption, I'm gonna puke.*** . . #actionsspeaklouderthanwords #stayonthetrail #leavenotrace #lowimpact #poppy #protectourfuture #walkercanyon #walkercanyonpoppyfields #lakeelsinore #sustainableuse #bethechangeyouwanttoseeintheworld #bethechange #postivereinforcement #dogood #education #bekind #influencer #goodinfluence #good #responsiblebehavior #wildflowers #yourpubliclands #ourpubliclands #protectyourpubliclands #protectyourfuture #youmakeadifference

OUR PUBLIC LANDS HATE YOU(@publiclandshateyou)分享的貼文 於 張貼

來源:DIY PhotographyPublic Lands Hate You

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