WSP 9634 - 293O Speak to Mr Yun
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爆屏上客服維修又要等又要洗機? No way! 特快上門換屏服務幫到您, 走遍全港九新界每一角落服務顧客, 當面進行維修工作, 過程全程觀賞, 保證滿意。
Getting hazzled of having data backed up and waiting your phone to be fixed by CS centre for days? No way! Here's an alternative to be - Screen replacement service serves at your doorstep wherever you are, observe the repair process on the spot at all times, satisfaction guaranteed.
本服務只限手機液晶屏幕全爆的用家, 並不提供單換玻璃面服務。
This service is for the users whose phone screen panel is severely damaged, no glass-only replacement is available.
Note10 $1150
Note10+ $1500
Note20 $1300
Note20Ultra $1950
S20 $1050
S20+ $1150
S20Ultra $1650
S21 $1100
S21+ $1350
S21FE $1150
S21Ultra $1750
S22 $1350
S22+ $1600
S22Ultra $1950
S23 $1300
S23+ $1500
S23Ultra $2100
S24 $1200
S24+ $1450
S24Ultra $2200
Repair cost for the framed screen replacement service can be seen above.
如需同時更換全新原裝電池, 另加$100
Add $100 extra for the new original battery to be replaced altogether.
Repair work is served as personal, no physical store is available , using my service is at your own discretion.