
Canon EOS 550D

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broadwayjji (2個心得) 於 2010-07-22 11:15:44
推薦此產品 (使用了 6 個月)
如果550D加紅圈鏡再加580EX2(其實430EX2已夠),肯定不會列入一生十大蠢事之一,唔係才知道adaadaa自已原來咁蠢,亦不會評語全部得一分,等其它人或初哥以為真的那樣差,信你買部2手Nikon D60就死得人多啦!
檢討自已是否真的懂得影相及用那些器材,不要胡亂比分,本人賣相機拾幾年,也第一次看到這垃圾評論,我看了這報導後覺得這位師兄連怎樣測光也不懂,還說甚麼對焦慢,從來也不會發生,你是否說太黑對唔到焦呀?連拍亦不會有問題?你知唔知5D Mark 2連拍更慢,真的不要將自己蠢到老死就好了,正所謂笨七有得醫岸九冇得救(笨就一次下次唔會岸就天生冇你辦法)。
近日看到adaadaa發表了一篇說買了之後,可以列入一生十大蠢事之一的550D,2.8紅圈也影不靚,不知他講的是否EF-24-70 2.8L 定係EF 70-200 4L呢,如果這位師兄有齊這些紅圈鏡加 580 EX 2閃燈影出來的相,畫質真的衰到貼地,真不知這師兄是柏金遜定唐氏症呢?也不知A Mode的2秒是甚麼意思?因550D沒有慢步同速,你將它調到自動是對的,而室光大都比較昏暗1/4- 1/8秒亦非出奇,還有當時ISO是否100呀?唔好意為有枝580大晒,唔通你用Nikon室光有幾拾至幾佰份臺秒,除非你將光圈先決模式調到1/60-1/200自動啦!其實本人亦和很多朋友做過測試,將7D 500D 550D分別7D用EFS 15-85 EFS18-135 ,500D與550D用EF17-40 EF24-105影相出來給一班客人比分,結論是最高分係550D 500D 7D,但當全部用紅圈鏡時結果是7D 550D 500D,所以玩相機真的一分錢一分貨,還有你說D60 Nikon也清過550D,有時真的觀點與角度,Nikon機影人可以化了妝也好像沒化一樣(殭屍化妝加死白,粉底就影到但胭脂就只影到5-6成其餘唔知去了邊,唔信可帶一位化了妝的靚女來影張大頭相),你可以話佢清(所以有很多人話Nikon機Sharp因夠白但有人喜歡) ,但Canon機一定唔會,還有如果550D配EF 24-70 2.8L加580 EX2影出來的相真的靚到非筆墨所能型容,如果不相信可帶你好後悔買的550D或者兩張SDHC咭到沙田新城市廣場6樓百老匯試試550D/NikonD90的分別(D60冇貨) ,還有我們的Body/鏡頭包括紅圈鏡是任試的。(不會像豐X/中X般要買才有得試,真想給它一隻中指) 。
winniwgennon (2個心得) 於 2010-07-20 05:00:39
推薦此產品 (使用了 4 個月)
Noise 控制明顯好好,LCD 真係好靚 , 好Sharp
由50D 轉到550D 後覺得550D真的好用,除了連拍不及外(因為1800萬像),拍出來的相片質素比50D高出很多,特別是以前影紅色比對真實環境時50D比較淺及帶少許灰,到550D就接近多了,機身又夠輕。
正常距離對焦很快如果不用閃光燈就沒問題可連拍10多張,但開閃光燈連拍比較弱(因為1800萬像),(用閃光燈後就3-4張會有1張OFF),(50D 6-7張會有1張OFF),所以最好用SDHC咭時用Class 10,例如Pretec及Photofast,可改善很多。
買550D最好不要連18-135鏡買,寧買Sigma 17-70mm F2.8-4 DC MACRO OS HSM/Tokina AT-X 16.5-135 DX ,是但一枝鏡的成像也比原廠鏡好,因為本人以前是用開50D,所以以上鏡頭也玩開,再加EF-17-40 4L及EF 70-200 4L已覺相當滿意,比起50D來講色彩豐富許多,最重要就是機身夠輕,對焦夠快,測光夠準,用AV時那AE LOCK很方便又夠準,(但很多朋友也不用,因不懂用,真的非常可惜),整體來講 550D 值買好低玩
yunmanng (6個心得) 於 2010-07-18 07:53:47
推薦此產品 (使用了 6 個月)
1CANON 1800萬像,63分區測光一定影贏(D60 1020你萬像3點測光ISO1600)(D90 1230萬像)大家放大張相點都NIKON輸,2 影人膚色紅潤(特別影紅色綠色)本人通常用17-40,
1近日看到一個adadad發表買了之後,可以列入一生十大蠢事之一,真的蠢到連NikonD60也影得清過550D,除了白痴之外,想不通!唔好話D60啦D90都輸到冇影啦,又話個MON睇到D相不能作准,明明光暗睇MON係正常,入到電腦原來爆曬光,(每部電腦個MON都唔同色,一定要Match,否則實死冇生,鬼叫你螢幕亮度較到盡咩,死梗!)2adada話就算用紅圈2.8鏡都晤靚,你是否用simga紅圈呀?3adada話自從NIKON出左D300,D3後,嚇到鼻哥都無肉(唔通你話D300影贏7D)?其實呢位CHING真的珠禁春,夠景你用過550D味呀?D60可贏550D我想都係功能會贏(因為冇功能可用,夠簡單),你現在問10個買D90定買550D(唔好用7D比)我想冇人咁蠢買D90 2008年出產
adaadaada (9個心得) 於 2010-07-10 00:35:58
不推薦此產品 (使用了 2 個月)
1800萬像素跟本冇用,就算以前用CANON D60都清過佢,光圈先決最低能,明明加左580EX2,普通室光,用5.6光圈,架白癡機竟然跳到用兩秒,個MON睇到D相不能作准,明明光暗睇MON係正常,入到電腦原來爆曬光,拍片係噱頭,限制太多,對焦不能連續,不能超過4GB,總之對完焦D人就唔郁得,咁樣叫做拍片,晤該你啦,人人都影完就放大睇一睇D相,佢影完要按PLAY制一下才可以放大睇,你話幾白癡,D衰野寫十日都寫唔晒
victoryvictory (17個心得) 於 2010-07-09 17:14:06
不推薦此產品 (使用了 5 個月)
If you're in the Canon system and want a new body, go for it. There is no better LCD on any other Canon SLR, and weight and handling are the best Canon's ever offered.
If you're looking, the image files from the Rebel T1i looks poor at large magnifications. The common technical issues of noise and resolution and sharpness are fine. The problem is that the noise reduction is so strong, even at low ISOs, that while sharp edges remain sharp, even moderate textures get smoothe⋯⋯d over.To the educated observer, this makes the Rebel T1i images look as if they came from a point-and-shoot, with their need for severe noise reduction even at daylight ISOs.This makes T1i images look slightly weird because the edges are all sharp, but distant bushes will have no texture, similar to cartoons...Don't freak out; this is a subtle effect, but annoying once you learn to recognize it. Dealing with raw files instead of image files (JPG) may let you rectify this later in software; my life is too valuable to waste playing with raw files.

This wouldn't be a problem for Canon if all DSLRs did the same thing, but if you worry about this, Nikons are a world better. Doing a direct comparison at my classified test range, results from a D300 look worlds better at 100%. The D300 looked like a real photo, and the T1i looked like a smudgy point and shoot.Heck, w⋯⋯hen you add in the Canon's potential for autofocus misses, even some comparison shots from a 6MP Nikon D40 with its included free 18-55mm kit lens blown up to 15MP look better technically than the T1i and 18-55mm IS lens.

If you really want to split pixels, you will need very good lenses. Unlike Nikon, Canon cameras cannot and do not automatically correct for corner color fringes. The 15MP setting of the T1i does a great job of letting you see minute limitations in your lenses more than giving you more details.Sadly, the potential for A⋯⋯F system "misses" and Canon's inability to correct lateral color fringes due to lens limitations means that if you like to look at everything at 100%, the T1i looks a lot worse than a Nikon like the D5000, D90 and D300. These Gen II Nikons automatically fix these lens flaws, so the resulting images from Nikon cameras, if you're looking at 100%, are much better unless you're shooting $2,000 tele lenses ($2,000 wide zooms still need these corrections).

Canon cameras can't fix lens limitations. While modern (Gen II) Nikons eliminate color fringes automatically, any defects in your lenses will remain in your photos with the T1i, and if you're looking for them, 15 MP is going to show them on most lenses.

I still prefer Nikon. I still find my Nikon D40 easier to use and carry, and it costs half as much. The results are about the same. I can pull great images out of any of these cameras. If you demand more pixels and count every one, the Nikon D5000 (or equivalent D90 or D300) gives superior technical results from their ⋯⋯lack of noise-reduction induced smudging, ability to correct lens defect color fringes and more reliable AF system. If you look at your photos at 100% on-screen, the Rebel T1i images look more like they came from a compact than an SLR. If you already have Canon DSLRs, the T1i is a winner. I wouldn't buy one, but that's because I already have a 5D Mk II and a Digital Rebel XTi I never use and I prefer Nikon. If someone offered to trade me a T1i for my XTi, I'd do it in a second.

It's a great lens, but has one potentially serious flaw in the AF system for many users. The Canon 18-200 IS has the old AF system that moves the focus ring as the AF works, so you have to keep your hands off of it as it moves.Worse, cannot turn this ring for manual focus unless you first move a switch to disengage the⋯⋯ AF motor.This is a serious shortcoming compared to Nikon's 18-200mm VR, on which you the focus ring never turns unless you move it, and which you may move at any time for instant manual override.On this Canon, the AF mechanism is far more primitive. It's quite a pain to have to stay clear of the focus ring during AF, and have to move a switch to get to manual focus. Poo.
If you're looking, the image files from the Rebel T1i looks poor at large magnifications. The common technical issues of noise and resolution and sharpness are fine. The problem is that the noise reduction is so strong, even at low ISOs, that while sharp edges remain sharp, even moderate textures get smoothe⋯⋯d over.To the educated observer, this makes the Rebel T1i images look as if they came from a point-and-shoot, with their need for severe noise reduction even at daylight ISOs.This makes T1i images look slightly weird because the edges are all sharp, but distant bushes will have no texture, similar to cartoons...Don't freak out; this is a subtle effect, but annoying once you learn to recognize it. Dealing with raw files instead of image files (JPG) may let you rectify this later in software; my life is too valuable to waste playing with raw files.

This wouldn't be a problem for Canon if all DSLRs did the same thing, but if you worry about this, Nikons are a world better. Doing a direct comparison at my classified test range, results from a D300 look worlds better at 100%. The D300 looked like a real photo, and the T1i looked like a smudgy point and shoot.Heck, w⋯⋯hen you add in the Canon's potential for autofocus misses, even some comparison shots from a 6MP Nikon D40 with its included free 18-55mm kit lens blown up to 15MP look better technically than the T1i and 18-55mm IS lens.

If you really want to split pixels, you will need very good lenses. Unlike Nikon, Canon cameras cannot and do not automatically correct for corner color fringes. The 15MP setting of the T1i does a great job of letting you see minute limitations in your lenses more than giving you more details.Sadly, the potential for A⋯⋯F system "misses" and Canon's inability to correct lateral color fringes due to lens limitations means that if you like to look at everything at 100%, the T1i looks a lot worse than a Nikon like the D5000, D90 and D300. These Gen II Nikons automatically fix these lens flaws, so the resulting images from Nikon cameras, if you're looking at 100%, are much better unless you're shooting $2,000 tele lenses ($2,000 wide zooms still need these corrections).

Canon cameras can't fix lens limitations. While modern (Gen II) Nikons eliminate color fringes automatically, any defects in your lenses will remain in your photos with the T1i, and if you're looking for them, 15 MP is going to show them on most lenses.

I still prefer Nikon. I still find my Nikon D40 easier to use and carry, and it costs half as much. The results are about the same. I can pull great images out of any of these cameras. If you demand more pixels and count every one, the Nikon D5000 (or equivalent D90 or D300) gives superior technical results from their ⋯⋯lack of noise-reduction induced smudging, ability to correct lens defect color fringes and more reliable AF system. If you look at your photos at 100% on-screen, the Rebel T1i images look more like they came from a compact than an SLR. If you already have Canon DSLRs, the T1i is a winner. I wouldn't buy one, but that's because I already have a 5D Mk II and a Digital Rebel XTi I never use and I prefer Nikon. If someone offered to trade me a T1i for my XTi, I'd do it in a second.

It's a great lens, but has one potentially serious flaw in the AF system for many users. The Canon 18-200 IS has the old AF system that moves the focus ring as the AF works, so you have to keep your hands off of it as it moves.Worse, cannot turn this ring for manual focus unless you first move a switch to disengage the⋯⋯ AF motor.This is a serious shortcoming compared to Nikon's 18-200mm VR, on which you the focus ring never turns unless you move it, and which you may move at any time for instant manual override.On this Canon, the AF mechanism is far more primitive. It's quite a pain to have to stay clear of the focus ring during AF, and have to move a switch to get to manual focus. Poo.
zerolingling (1個心得) 於 2010-06-30 18:14:35
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
請問specification 寫道: 音效 - 單聲道, 支援外置立體聲收音
係咪即係我 line in 一隻wireless mic, 再加埋部機收嘅聲, 可以有兩條 channel?