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註冊: 2011-05-15

題目賣Sigma 鏡 , dcfever 帳戶被盜入     Post time: 7 月 25 日

賣Sigma 鏡 , dcfever 帳戶被盜入 , 不是經dcfever 傳訊息給我, 是直接電郵給我, 22-7-2020 收到一個這樣的電郵 , 名叫 「Mrs Michelle from USA 」假名 ?
Michelle Macaw

2020年7月22日 上午11:21 (3 日前)

Sorry for late reply, Yes I'm interested in buying ok? I am Mrs Michelle from USA , I am on a business trip. i am Rig Offshore Worker I want to buy this item for my family in USA and I will be responsible for shipping costs okay? So kindly check the postage cost Via DHL Courier and get back to me ASAP.

This is the Shipping Address

Name: Dana Davis Lett
City: Fort Pierce
State: Florida
Zip code: 34945
Country : USA
Address: 6781 Taro St
Contact Number:

I will make the payment to your bank account before shipping. I need your full bank information Below for the payment

Name of Account Holder :
Name of Bank:
Account NumBer:
Email Address :
Swift Code :
Your contact Number:

You can check the shipping cost Via DHL official website

I await your reply
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