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註冊: 2009-05-21

題目A580 配一枝天捱鏡     Post time: 2 月 23 日

本人是新手用單反, 現想買枝18-200mm 的鏡頭, 在網上睇到一些資料, 對Sigma
Sigma 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC 有些興趣, 不知各位Ching 有冇用過呢? 有冇走焦的情況?

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Clarence Tsang

註冊: 2007-08-16

題目Re: A580 配一枝天捱鏡     Post time: 2 月 23 日

Not a bad one. I used it quite sometime ago with my A350. But of course its body coating is not that durable. Another you can try is Tamron 18-200, 18-250 & 18-270. Quality similar, but without the coating problem.
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註冊: 2009-05-21

題目Re: A580 配一枝天捱鏡     Post time: 2 月 23 日

thank you for your reply and comment
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