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註冊: 2008-11-24

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 9 日

outer point, AI servo, in back light situation, track on the left eye

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註冊: 2008-02-05

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 9 日

點解我覺得Marksman01 d 相都係偏黃 + 綠 ge ?? (d 頭髮都唔似係黑色)
肯定係我個 Mon 問題了
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註冊: 2008-11-24

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 9 日

May be my monitor 偏blue + red, heehee
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註冊: 2005-08-26

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 13 日

各位師兄, 5D2 kit set 剛入手, CF卡有乜好介紹?
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註冊: 2006-09-26

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 13 日

Sandisk Extreme CompactFlash 60MB/s
shop@dcfever.com 門市買啦,他們做緊特價。

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註冊: 2009-05-18

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 13 日

5D M2 is really good... I really want to buy but afraid M3 is coming.......
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註冊: 2005-08-26

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 14 日

thanks mingming426 ching
to super_canon ching: you never know, don't think too much, if you got the budget, just do it
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註冊: 2005-08-20

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 18 日

新手加入5d2家庭,努力學習中 。

( I bought it right before CNY 2010. Previously used 40D for 2 1/2 yrs but just sold. Equipment : 28 1.8, 17-40L f 4 , 24-70L f2.8 and 580EXII).
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註冊: 2009-12-24

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 18 日

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註冊: 2005-04-26

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 19 日

清潔三舊水, 送貨5個工作天. DIY: use cmos cleaning pen is okay.
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註冊: 2009-12-24

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 19 日

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註冊: 2005-08-20

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 19 日

My ppl said 5D2 will drop price to $ 17,000 ~ 17,500 very soon. Is it true ?

I've just bought my 5D2 before CNY at $ 19,7xx with 24M instalments. Before it, I have been observing the Jpn Yen exchange rate for 14 months and studied all the possibility and next gen model price point. I really cannot see any reason for 5D2 to cut price in the near 6 months,.

Even it may happen (due to Nikon new model and "3D" or "6D") , it could not be that much. At the moment and near future, the demand for this kind FF body at this price point is huge higher than what Canon is willing to supply to the mkt.

(P.S, I have waited for Jpn yen / price drop and body availability since Nov. 2009. No luck during the X'mas until few days before CNY.)

This is just my own opinion. Hope to hear CHing comments.
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註冊: 2009-12-24

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 19 日

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註冊: 2005-08-20

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 19 日

As of 7th Feb, I knew some small shop selling $ 19,100 ~ 19300 (cash price) for hong goods but I don't have much cash. And in fact, before CNY, only few big chain stores and small shops had stock.

成x sold $20,500 (wait 2 weeks) ; CMK sold $ 20,200 (have stock) ; 中x sold $ 20,500 (had stock) : Broodway sold $ 20.800 (wait 3 weeks).

Usually, by credit card, it adds 3% : by 12 month instalments , it adds 5% and 24 months, it adds 7%.

In Fortexx, I used SC credit card with 10% rebate (max. $500 each card) and could have 24 months instalment. And lucky it has stock, that's why I think my price is Ok to me.

For the price below $ 19,000 or down to $ 18,700, I tried before but they were all parallel goods ( water goods) prices.

I hope someone can update us the street price.
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註冊: 2009-02-23

題目Re: Canon 5DMII 討論區     Post time: 2 月 19 日

Brother Marksman01, The color of ur pics turn out fine from my pc, my office pc and my iPhone! I guess someone need to get his/her monitor calibrated hehehe.......!
By the way, I wish u and ur family a colorful year of tiger!
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