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YouTube 頻道 vlogbrothers 早前便製作短片,講述在網絡公開秘境照片所面對的下場,指出分享十分「危險」,反思這行為是否值得去做。

短片是關於瑞典攝影師 Patrik Svedberg 的「西蘭花」樹的故事。他於 2013 年 5 月偶然發現一棵樹,形狀像是西蘭花,於是把它拍下並將照片發佈到個人 Instagram 帳戶,即日收到不少好評。


Patrik Svedberg Photography(@patrik_svedberg)分享的貼文 張貼

然後接下來幾日、幾個月及幾年, Patrik 不斷在樹旁經過,在不同季節、時間、日照及天氣情況下,拍攝這棵樹。之後他為這棵樹開設一個專門 Instagram 帳戶 @thebroccolitree ,紀錄它的每一張照片。


June 3, 2014.

A tree on Instagram(@thebroccolitree)分享的貼文 於 張貼


September 26, 2017. Good night ??

A tree on Instagram(@thebroccolitree)分享的貼文 於 張貼

不久之後, Patrik 開設的新帳戶已經積累數以萬計的追隨者,而樹亦變得愈來愈出名, Google Maps 列出其位置,更有人專程來到參觀它。

但是到 2017 年 9 月,發生一件不可思議的事情,當 Patrik 參觀這棵樹時,發現有人鋸了樹的主幹。


Ever since the tree got viral a couple of years ago the number one joke has been ”what if someone cuts it down..?” Or ”What´s next, maybe you should cut it down and take photos haha.” I´ve never had good answer to that question, or joke. It´s not like we´re planted together, we live different lives the tree and I. This question was so common so I guess it was just a matter of time before some guys mentally retarded enough would crawl up from under a stone and make it happen as a part of a bet or something. Clearly it´s a obsession in lots of minds out there for some inscrutable reason. One of the trees branches has now (a couple of days ago..?) been sawn in almost all the way through and it´s just a matter of time before it´ll fall off. I won´t be around to document it, others will for sure so I guess you lunatics who did it can enjoy every moment. You can win a bet. Get cheered at. Even get a bit infamous. Congrats. What an accomplishment. I guess you were excited like little children while you did it, must have taken quite a while. For sure you are excited now, aspecially when the word is out. Now is your moment. High fives, maybe some back slapping. Suck it in. Time will erode those memories, excitement will turn into second thoughts. But the saddest thing of all, however You absolutely cannot un-saw a tree. ----- I leave the judgement to others and have to move on to work, you can talk to each other about this below of course, but I feel for now this is what I have to say in this matter. Cheer up, there will be a tomorrow after this. // Patrik

A tree on Instagram(@thebroccolitree)分享的貼文 於 張貼


過去這棵樹成為網絡熱話後,曾有人向 Patrik 開玩笑地說「如果有人把它砍下來……」,他沒想到這件事會發生。而幾日後,樹被完全鋸掉並移走。


“You absolutely cannot un-saw a tree...to share something is to risk losing it.” #thebroccolitree

Sarah Aldrich(@sarahbell.aldrich)分享的貼文 於 張貼

Seth Radley 在 vlogbrothers 的短片中表示,分享一些東西就有可能失去它,特別是在著重分享資訊的網絡世界;每個人似乎都希望被人關注,即使只是為了一棵心愛的樹木被砍伐。


如果想了解更多「西蘭花」樹的資訊及觀看更多照片,可瀏覽其網站、 Facebook 及 Instagram


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