如果大家有看近日的國際新聞,也許會發現天空上原來有很多不明飛行物體。至於英法海峽一帶的居民,在當地時間 13 日(周一)凌晨時分,也可能看到有顆不明來歷的大火球劃過夜空!
在前一天晚上 11 時左右,社交媒體上已流傳有小行星墜入地球大氣層的通報。貼文詳細指出小行星將在法國北部城市盧昂(Rouen)上空墜入地球大氣層,時間在凌晨 3 時前後。據資料稱,警報最早由匈牙利布達佩斯的孔科伊天文台(Konkoly Observatory),在小行星撞擊大氣層前 4 小時發出。該小行星直徑約 1 米,在大氣層摩擦燃燒後產生耀眼亮光,照亮整個英法海峽的夜空,當時的景況也被廣泛地區的民眾拍下來。
?ATTENTION! A small asteroid is expected to safely impact the French-English channel in ~4 hours time, 03:00:03 UT tomorrow. Object size is around ~1 meter and should appear as bright as the Moon momentarily as it enters the atmosphere. Approx visibility circle posted below. 1/ pic.twitter.com/Ckh5OBsz4l
— Tom Williams (@tw__astro) February 12, 2023
遇上只此一次的機會,荷蘭攝影師 Gijs de Reijke 特別驅車前往住所附近、荷蘭南部一處以美景著稱的地方拍攝這顆小行星。他使用 Nikon D850 配搭 70-300mm 鏡頭,以 135mm 焦距及 30 秒曝光,可以見到小行星在照片上留下一條色彩鮮艷又豐富的光軌。
Asteroid Sar2667, about a meter in diameter, was expected to fall near the French city of Le Havre at 02:59h UTC. I drove to a photogenic spot close to home in the south of the Netherlands to capture it, just as the sky cleared.#asteroid #meteor @IMOmeteors @apod pic.twitter.com/MNZofhkrd7
— Gijs de Reijke (@GijsDeReijke) February 13, 2023
另一位攝影師 David L 則在法國利曼(Le Mans)拍下了這顆小行星。其他攝影師及網民也透過不同角度,記錄今次事件。目前歐洲太空總署將它命名為 2023 CX1(此前暫稱作 Sar2667)。
Wonderful view.
— David L. (@dlxinorbit) February 13, 2023
Thank you so much for the alert ! pic.twitter.com/zfAdWzJVjO
thank you so much for your thread. unforgettable moment
— ⍼ (@aes_2fish) February 13, 2023
lit up the sky and disintegrated in a bright shade of green before dipping under the treeline
i could see it breaking up as it dove. Pic taken from ~200km away pic.twitter.com/r3ZKWNcRsj
Got It! How beautiful! #Sar2667 #Asteroid pic.twitter.com/tpLQkJpcCv
— Kade ???? (@KadeFlowers) February 13, 2023
That was cool pic.twitter.com/8JbmX4PAsn
— KovaFC (@fc_kova) February 13, 2023
#Sar2667 depuis Rouen c’est énorme !
— MegaLuigi ? (@MegaLuigi) February 13, 2023
Super lumineux ! pic.twitter.com/PMArwXHh5t
C'était fantastique pic.twitter.com/pFQ9MwtniW
— Aurélien Declerck (@decaurel76) February 13, 2023