Lenovo Thinkpad P15V gen 1 (2021) mobile workstation 移動工作枱機
Xeon W-10855M 2.8-5.1 GHz 6core 12thread 勁過 (better than) i7-10850H.
32GB ram 1.5tb ssd
15.6” 4k mon backlit keyboard,背光鍵盤。
win 11 pro + office 2010 starter(word excel)
***已消毒及清潔除塵。already clean and sanitized***
Battery last for 2-3 hours。電量2-3小時。
15秒入windows。15 sec boot to windows。
HDMI/SD card/fingerprint 指紋/face recognition 面容解鎖/LAN/dual brand 雙頻wifi/bluetooth 藍芽
Trade at Admiralty station or wong chuk hang station。金鐘站及黃竹坑站交收
比fujitsu acer asus mobile workstation勁