the above discounted price is only valid when you purchase 3 more items at marked price at the same time, otherwise refer to the marked price below
【有現貨!即日交收!】【獨立包裝】😷自救系列👉🏻 全新未用 3M 思高™ 雙旋抽屜式旋轉拖把套裝 地拖 3M - Scotch-brite™ Dual Spin Contractible Spin Mop Set
全新未用 正常100%
1. 雙旋設計-輕鬆脫水兼清洗
2. 抽屜式水桶-儲存方便省空間
3. 輕鬆手壓式脫水- 雙腳站立不易滑動
4. 易潔超微纖維- 經3M™思高潔™ 防污處理, 更易清潔, 吸水力強
5. 360度靈活轉動-深入罅隙
6. 伸縮手柄-適合不同用途
港島交收 或郵寄郵費自付
3M - Scotch-brite™ Dual Spin Contractible Spin Mop Set
condition as shown in pictures
100% work can test
pls state the amount required in private messages and leave your number
Island line particular station meet up or by post, postage fee not included