Cleaning 清潔
1. General Check and Clean 基本檢查及清潔 $300起
2. ViewFinder Cleaning - 觀景窗清潔 - 發霉 / 有塵 / 污垢 / 離膠 $480-980
Adjustment 調校 / Abnormal 故障 / Replace 更換
3. Focus Adjustment 對焦調校 $580起
4. Shutter System Malfunction 快門系統故障 - 按快門時沒反應,「白卷」 $780起
5. LCD Repairment 維修漏液冇反應 - 如LCD玻璃老化,文字較朦 $680起
LCD Repairment 維修漏液冇反應 - 如LCD玻璃正常,文字清晰 $880起
6. Aperture Repairment 維修光圈 $580起
7. Lens Cleaning 抹鏡清潔 $480起
常見於:鏡片出現Mildew黴菌 / 菌絲、Haze起霞 / 霧 / 朦朧、Dust灰塵
Lens Cleaning 抹鏡清潔 脫膠離膠處理 Re-cementing separation $880起
8. Lens Cover Repairment / Replacement 維修 / 更換鏡頭簾 $480起
9. Focusing System Failure 鏡頭伸縮故障維修 / 出現「鏡頭異常」$980起
10. Internal Flash Problem 內置閃燈問題 $780起
11. Failure Caused By Water / Liquid Sand 入水 / 液體 / 沙引起故障 - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價
12. Other Symptom 其他徵狀 - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價
C.L.A (Clean、Lubricant、Adjust)
- Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價
Expected Availability: 3 - 4Weeks.
For Reference only, Last price determined by actual conditions.
WhatsApp / Signal:5128-8255