Funleader Contax G 45mm f2 lens black chrome lens converted For Leica M mount
Cosmetic condition: A-, Excellent condition, some sign of using on the cap
Optical condition: A-, Excellent condition, no scratch, no haze, no fungus, nice coating
Cash price: HKD7000
We also accept Visa, Master, AE card
Welcome Trade-In
Please PM if you are interested
Theme Collection
Shop 3, 1/F, Prudential Centre,
228, Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
香港彌敦道228號佐敦恆豐中心一樓三號舖 (地鐵站E出口)
Business hour: Monday to Saturday (11:00-20:00),
Sunday (by appointment)
Tel: (+852) 21140693
WhatsApp: 61488741
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