鞋墊按人體腳型設計,適合足弓偏低人士 (如輕微扁平足) 使用; 前足斜度– 鞋墊前足有向外傾斜 3 度設計,能有助減少足底內側壓力; 使用透氣 PU 物料,有吸濕、透氣、防真菌功能,保持足部乾爽。
The Pro-healthy Compensative insole is designed to fit the natural shape of the foot and is suitable for individuals with low arches (such as mild flat feet). It features a 3-degree outward tilt design in the forefoot to help reduce pressure on the inner side of the foot. Made with breathable PU material, it offers moisture-wicking, breathability, and anti-fungal properties to keep the feet dry.
Sizes: 39