內有12對实心銅缐双绞缐twisted pairs,內行正負,好实声, 可除噪音,
This is a cat6 upgraded version
來自買方 xxx (1) @ 2016-02-xx
I use Anthem amplifier and Martin Logan speakers with the CAT5 cable. This cable made my speakers sound excellent and I am very impressed. The highs are crisp, voices are as if they are in the room with me and I can even hear the performer breathing! Mids
最初好奇,cheap cheap Cat5 lan線做喇叭線?玩嘢咩?凡係導電嘅都拿來做音響線?! 區區幾百元 試下無防,好聲中獎,唔好就來推超低無死。
但我太多嘢玩,買了回來後插過來玩,從100db Bastanis 傳來了非常正路的聲音,但由於房來還有其他線材等著上剛,條cat5e又真係超cheap,所以一直放在一邊,慢慢忘記了它…一年後的最近在清理手上一堆多餘線材套回現金,再駁回聽下…嘩,跟我條單支純銀silver ribbon唔係差好多,係有分別,特別是最尾那些少少空氣感及擦弦松音粉末質感,純銀才交到,但條cat5e交到的是稍帶少少金黃色澤,單支小提琴之弦去得好高又幼最緊要冇刺耳冇開叉,這點跟單支銀線相似。原來cat5e缐芯都係每條單支幼銅獨立包膠。
01.2009:....就咁行左兩個月,有一日,又再睇返個Cat5喇叭線DIY的網站,再睇一次,發現自已無織錯,點解效果咁差?便把心一橫,disconnect左條鴨記$4/碼金銀線,單單用Cat5e的DIY織線。唔聽由自可,一聽不得了。嘩,D音樂同我拆番開晒出晒,低音好靚,無dup心口,高音好似按摩隻耳仔咁。聽女高音,簡直係享受。心唸,點解會咁?原來,條Cat5e,同條鴨記$4/碼的線平衡同左成兩個月,慢慢咁就煲好條Cat5e線。秘密就係這裡。這條DIYCat5e線,原來要煲才會好聲,唔煲,就會想掉左妐巡鞳Ccomments from our member previously,本人用後第一感覺是結像有顯著提昇, 不單是中間結像, 而是整個soundstage的各個樂器位置及線條都更加清晰, 玲瓏浮現.和自己的一對中價, 由多股幼銅線絞合的廠線比較, 低頻更富彈力, 速度快, 沒那麼肥腫矇鬆, 高頻伸延更佳, 鋼琴的泛音更細緻清晰,但不像某些鍍銀線般高音硬, 惡.
modified design from TNT audio: '' Listening to these cables with an extremelyrevealing system, they sported a well extended and articulated bassrange, a polite and never-invading midrange, cold-leaning midfrequencies, yet with rather good thickness, sharply glossy mid-highs,and very refined and accurate extreme highs. cat 5 cables are in top rank under the cable testing in audioholics.com withits ex++ performance in Resistance, Inductance, and Capacitance