二手市集 交易評價
kwkpro (3)
4 / 5
註冊: 10+ 年
撤回物品比例: 53%
成功確認交易次數: 6
  • 買家
    lsw27889 (6)約 10 年前
    OK la。
  • 買家
    ducru1982 (6)  10+ 年前
    Nice sellervand efficient trade! Thx much!
  • 買家
    tai_ming (1) 10+ 年前
    the camera was almost perfect condition. but some tiny problem, like the viewfinder and display. I report to the seller one day later, and he tried to explain. I'm not new for this camera, I think he's not helpful indeed. I asked if he willing to refund o
  • 賣家
    ahpok (10) 10+ 年前
    sold to a nice guy
  • 買家
    bear_goal (5) 10+ 年前
  • 賣家
    mcpfsteven (8) 10+ 年前
    Very nice C-hing. Thank you