二手市集 交易評價
ahpang178200 (4)
5 / 5
註冊:約 7 年
成功確認交易次數: 4
  • 賣家
    luckymagic401 (4) 約 6 年前
    nice seller, thanks a lot.
  • 賣家
    willyik (120) 約 6 年前
    An handsome seller with good products being provided. I expect further deal in the coming future, thanks.
  • 賣家
    picklo813 (37) 約 7 年前
    Good seller. I expect further deal in the coming future. Thanks.
  • 賣家
    ida0601 (45)約 7 年前
    A good and efficient seller with transaction being conducted smoothly. I expect further deal in the coming future. Thanks.