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Ford Fiesta 1.0

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Save gas but run fast
jilioferic (5個心得) 於 2017-05-26 23:08:16
推薦此產品 (使用了 36 個月)
Save gasoline, this is expected becuase under 1000cc but run fast and save gasoline is amazing, having a lot of fun with its manual speed, my Fiesta 1.0t is 125ps from China Ford even more fun than Ford of Hong Kong only provides100ps.
Perfect road control because it 195 50R16 tire really working like a sport car.
Many people complain the powershift transmission uncomfortable but dual clutch transmission is the best option for fast running car.
Only complain is the air conditioner is not chilly as Japanese made.
Gasoline saver and fun car however I am saving more money for ST.