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註冊: 2012-02-26

題目(流浪) CANON 11-24 F4 or 16-35 F2.8     Post time: 2 月 11 日

本身已有支24-70 F2.8,若果想買支流浪隨時起手用既廣角變焦,唔介意重,11-24 F4 定係 16-35 F2.8 您認為邊樣好洗好用d?
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註冊: 2008-11-18

題目Re: (流浪) CANON 11-24 F4 or 16-35 F2.8     Post time: 2 月 15 日


建議用:騰龍15-30 開到f2.8都sharp爆,又有防震,性價比高!
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註冊: 2013-04-17

題目Re: (流浪) CANON 11-24 F4 or 16-35 F2.8     Post time: 2 月 15 日

if you don't mind focus manually, Nikon 14-24 2.8 + F to EOS adapter

I own 7Dii and with the 14-24 2.8, Nikon is doing very well in wide angle lenses, it is crazy for the lenses the distortion is even better than a Canon standard zoom at 24 mm...


For the adapter, yes, there are plenty of models from the market with better price but do you feel comfortable to use Chinese goods to carry your heavy wide angle lenses? I have one Chinese good and one from Novoflex, and finally I disposed the Chinese good...


However, full time manual control of the lenses need time to adopt and you will have no idea what is the current aperture...

Also no E-TTL for the flash when using such adapters...
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