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註冊: 2009-06-17

題目Resolution: NEX-7 Vs. Leica M9     Post time: 12 月 15 日


In virtually every example above, center and corner, and at three different apertures, there is a small but apparent advantage to the NEX-7 in terms of resolving power.

There is no question (to my eyes at least) that the Sony sensor out-resolves the Leica using the same lens.

The 50mm Summilux f/1.4 ASPH is one of the finest lenses of its focal length. What we are seeing is that this lens can out-resolve the M9's 18MP sensor, because the 24MP Sony sensor clearly shows better resolution of fine detail even though the M9 does not have an AA filter, and the NEX-7 does.

This result shouldn't be a surprise, because when I visited the Leica factory two years ago I asked Leica's chief lens designer if sensors were out-resolving lenses yet, and his answer was – no not yet. It would appear that the NEX-7's 24MP sensor shows this to be the case
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註冊: 2008-11-22

題目Re: Resolution: NEX-7 Vs. Leica M9     Post time: 12 月 15 日

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註冊: 2003-04-02

題目Re: Resolution: NEX-7 Vs. Leica M9     Post time: 12 月 16 日

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註冊: 2008-11-22

題目Re: Resolution: NEX-7 Vs. Leica M9     Post time: 12 月 16 日

Thanks watto,
係網站見KODAK都出幾多型號的 Full Frame CCD image sensors.
奇怪! 都用到那裡了?
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Mark K

註冊: 2002-05-10

題目Re: Resolution: NEX-7 Vs. Leica M9     Post time: 12 月 20 日

From my eyes, M9 is much sharper
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註冊: 2009-06-17

題目Resolution: NEX-7 Vs. Leica M9     Post time: 12 月 21 日

Contrary to conventional wisdom, higher resolution actually compensates for noise


This Insight uses specific DSLRs to demonstrate the technique for objectively comparing noise for cameras with different levels of resolution. Such comparisons conclusively show better results overall for high-resolution sensors, despite the increase in noise.

Two questions naturally arise:
How can the noise from two cameras with different levels of resolution be fairly compared?
Which is better, a low-resolution camera with less noise, or a high-resolution camera with more noise?

Noise measurements in RAW format are indicative of pixel performance, but the viewing conditions of the image must also be taken into account. To compare prints on a given format of cameras with different resolutions, it is more suitable to compute the equivalent SNR of a camera with a given reference resolution. For equal, normalized SNR, a high-resolution camera is still better than a low-resolution camera. While it is always possible to simulate a low-resolution camera using a higher resolution camera (since downsampling is easy), it is not possible to simulate a high-resolution camera using a lower-resolution camera other than by interpolating or inventing data.
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註冊: 2009-06-17

題目Re: Resolution: NEX-7 Vs. Leica M9     Post time: 12 月 21 日

Resolution Compared – Again

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