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註冊: 2007-03-25

題目有無C hing聽過A700 就嚟會有後繼機出??     Post time: 1 月 28 日

小弟想入返部二手Sony A700 + 蔡仔16-80玩,但Sony朋友話就會有後繼機出,所以我就諗係真的等?定......??Sony師兄們有聽過嗎??
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註冊: 2004-04-07

題目Re: 有無C hing聽過A700 就嚟會有後繼機出??     Post time: 1 月 28 日

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註冊: 2007-03-25

題目Re: 有無C hing聽過A700 就嚟會有後繼機出??     Post time: 1 月 29 日

係lu~ 我同朋友講一支想玩下A700 + 蔡仔,但我朋友叫我忍下只A700後繼機出後會有二手A700係市場,所以我八卦咪係度問下!多謝小小生師兄回覆~
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註冊: 2006-03-04

題目Re: 有無C hing聽過A700 就嚟會有後繼機出??     Post time: 1 月 29 日

'There has been a lot of discussion about what an Alpha DSLR should be. We've been focusing for some time on utilizing our unique technologies. The translucent mirror is one and it performs very well. We want the A700 replacement to be in line with that kind of step forward, we want it to be superior to its competitors, that's why we couldn't make it sooner,' he said. But, he assured us, the results will be worth waiting for: 'With the A33 and 55 we tried to look at the problem and get rid of some of the old hassles - the A700 successor should be like that.'

全文見 http://www.dpreview.com/news/1101/11011110sonyinterview.asp

登於11/1/2011 的一篇訪問。
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