1. Excellent optical design (6 pcs of Apo lenses) produce top performance of the images.
2. Smooth focussing ring
3. Half stop aperture value
4. The lens barrel is not heavy and the weight & size is very suitable to hold
5. Metal round lens hood (reversible-mounted) is enclosed
年晚煎堆人冇我有, 年廿九剛入手這支中焦距人像鏡頭, 影像的解像力非常好, 高光位呈現出些少所謂 “聖光" 及毫無色差(CA) 現象, 焦外散景(Boke) 的過渡十分柔滑自然(creamy)。f/2光圈是可用光圈值, 無論拍攝人像或者特色小品都非常得心應手!