二手市集 交易評價
RevRickyLee (10) 
5 / 5
註冊:約 4 年
撤回物品比例: 5%
成功確認交易次數: 10
  • 買家
    altmanchu (16)約 3 年前
  • 買家
    canonfansandy (43) 約 3 年前
  • 買家
    rayhcs (3)  約 4 年前
    Great Deal , have a great sharing of flying in Mainland China.
  • 買家
    Dhbuy2020 (2)約 4 年前
    Great Deal ,
  • 買家
    learnmore00 (63) 約 4 年前
    Great Deal , Nice talk and share the experience of flying and shopping from the dcfever .
  • 買家
    learnmore00 (63) 約 4 年前
    Great Deal , Nice talk and share the experience of flying and shopping from dcfever .
  • 買家
    2010hei (30)約 4 年前
    Thank you for his sharing of flying , Great deal . Thanks to our Lord .
  • 賣家
    marbomb (9) 約 4 年前
  • 賣家
    mako200179 (225) 約 4 年前
  • 賣家
    weneverforgive (8)約 4 年前
    Dear we never forgive, The seller explained the products and all the functions in great detail , and the content was met the description of products . Courtesy young man . Thanks to Weneverforgive Regards Rev. Ricky Lee