二手市集 交易評價
jasoncheuk (9)
5 / 5
註冊: 10+ 年
撤回物品比例: 6%
成功確認交易次數: 9
  • 買家
    altexyuen (89) 約 7 年前
    很高興認識你 !
  • 買家
    ilove2007 (35)約 7 年前
    Nice person have a pretty watch. Thanks for your favour. Trustworthy. Its a memorabilia.
  • 買家
    e32-735i (4)約 8 年前
    Seller is a nice fellow and the 6694 is a nice piece. Maybe 90% new is a little exaggerated but overall the watch is in good shape and definitely wearable but can use a good service and cleaning. All in all a good transaction.
  • 買家
    XpressX (35)約 8 年前
    Happy trading, very nice guy, hope will trade again soon.
  • 買家
    whfongs (8)  10+ 年前
    極度好,非常好的賣家!!!! !!!正面的評估!!!
  • 買家
    kyeung (2)  10+ 年前
    Item as described. Excellent communication and trustworthy seller. Highest recommendation!
  • 買家
    ricky8847 (25)  10+ 年前
  • 買家
    lsw27889 (6) 10+ 年前
    約20年product都keep 到好似全新咁! Gooooooooooooooood!
  • 買家
    conradwai (22)  10+ 年前
    產品保養極佳,性價比極高, 賣家很健談,樂於耐性地介紹各產品, 總括產品和賣家都具備優良質素,很難得。