二手市集 交易評價
KYCY (5)
5 / 5
註冊: 10+ 年
撤回物品比例: 7%
成功確認交易次數: 5
  • 賣家
    kinlo38 (5)約 8 年前
    Good Seller
  • 買家
    royhing (28)  10+ 年前
    A very nice buyer who taught me a lot about film photography.
  • 買家
    馬菲奧 (8) 10+ 年前
    Such a good buyer and good student. Wish you the best in both you video taking and academic stuff.
  • 買家
    ehapgf (162) 10+ 年前
    An extremely nice buyer. I also have learnt much from you during the short conversation. Wish the motherboard is useful to you. And also, you can find a good computer parts for upgrading which suits you son or daughter's need.
  • 買家
    lmk_unn (51) 10+ 年前
    Nice buyer