去迪士尼樂園,一定不會錯過在傍晚舉行的煙火表演。不過,上周六(22 日)在美國加州迪士尼樂園(Disneyland),在節目表演時 45 英呎(約 13.7 米)高機械巨龍頭部突然起火,未幾火勢即蔓延至全身,造成烈焰衝天的景象。然而有觀眾以為是「加碼」演出,繼續使用手機拍片。
▲有媒體拍到機械巨龍失火的整個過程。(video by WDW News Today)
綜合外媒報道,當地時間周六晚,加州迪士尼樂園按常在晚上 10 時進行第二場《Fantasmic!》「幻想奇觀煙花大匯演」。該表演的主題是講述米奇學習魔法的故事。在表演臨近尾聲時,機械巨龍 Murphy 頭部首先起火,火舌迅速向下蔓延至全身,一分鐘後巨龍便陷入火海。期間更不時傳出爆炸聲及有巨大火球出現,機械巨龍看來更像一條噴火龍,令觀眾不以為意,誤以為是正常演出的一部分。
I'm very glad no one was harmed in the Fantasmic fire last night, mostly for the obvious reasons but also because it means I have no guilt when I call this image the most amazingly metal thing I've ever seen in my life. pic.twitter.com/78QfLqzUi5
— Some Incineration, Huh? (Mickey laugh) (@tonygoldmark) April 24, 2023
Additional clips from the #fantasmic dragon fire at #disneyland. The show stopped when the prop head caught fired instead of breathing out of the mouth, which then spread to the rest of the body pic.twitter.com/fSfWlr8k8j
— Ryan Laux (@ryanlauxcreates) April 23, 2023
Fantastic Fantasmic fail - wow! #fantasmic #disneyland pic.twitter.com/MZhNJhEXrB
— JessicaT (@Ms_JessicaT) April 23, 2023
R.I.P. to Murphy, one of the most beloved Audio-Animatronics of all time. His impressive nightly dominance over Tom Sawyer Island and Mickey's imagination will be a presence that is sorely missed in Fantasmic...
— Jayman (@DasJayman) April 23, 2023
2008-2023#Murphy #RIPMurphy #Maleficent #Fantasmic #Disneyland pic.twitter.com/XPKTGLwU39