喜歡攝影的自已也只好買一部Nikon 4500來多實習,(因為正片雖然非常完美但卻也十分不化算)只有暇日才把RTS3帶出去燒一燒菲林.......唉!
26/09/2003到canon陳列室手上帶了 18/4 - 25/2.8 - 50/1.4 - 85/1.4 -100/2.8makro - 300/4 - 一羣Carl Zeiss Lens和一個 y > c 的轉接環前去試機結果;喜上半天...由18>300的Lens全都可接合上canon 300d 而且沒有黑邊,色彩明亮艶麗真是令人感動的一刻,非N系的一羣135 Carl Zeiss Lens 終於找到數碼宿主了.在光圈先决的條件下每一棵Carl Zeiss Lens也都可進入新的數位世界........
................................................................................................................如果大家有留意這次canon出的300D和其它的形號很不一樣,除了便宜外cmos也達到15.1毫米 X 22.7亳米之大而且還是一整片的......像素更有630萬但注意到的是canon的發展野心(全民普及化EOS)大家或注意到這次EOS在出機的同時也加上了一支只給EOS 300D用的專用鏡頭,這支全新鏡頭EF-S 18至55mm它就連EOS 10D也沒法裝上......為什麼?因為EOS 300D把整個後羣機组做得细小了幾個mm(這正是Contax之友Carl Zeiss Lens羣的福氣)有了這小小空間“使Carl Zeiss Lens加上轉接環後就能自如地接合....就連想都不敢想的25/2.8也能完美合上...........還有不要看小EOS Kiss Digital因為它是Canon雖然 Lens 沒法和 Carl Zeiss 比美但高科技的機身contax也是沒法和別人比美.......還要提一提:並不是所有Eos加上轉接環也能所有Lens也裝上....300D可算十分異數了(我並沒有所有Carl Zeiss Lens所以敢講的也只有已試的六支鏡頭).
菜頭'光學的傳奇.....加上Canon EOS 300D科學的結晶...結果就是取長補短...! 當了解到canon的非紅圈鏡頭,你就知道如果沒有非常、非常良好的機體測光技術...那將是一件非常可怕事情.....我深信45點平衡測光就是canon的其中一個致勝之道.....可以想一想在加上一個傳奇(菜頭)的結果.... 當然你也失去了canon的另一致勝之道"全弁鄏菾妏齔J"其實90%的contax愛好者也都盡力去支持contax這品牌....但在機身方面卻長時間令人或多或少感到失望........而N系更令人有鳥盡弓藏之感....唉!其後的DIGI機種,更是一場傷害 ....朋友買了EOS後就馬上把N Digital 全套賣出.....這種决心我看contax也要反醒、反醒........... 要知道其實加上轉接環去拍照並不方便要是能够我看大多contax迷也不願使用EOS.....而為什麼EOS 300D會對一羣contax迷如此吸引!其實說穿了只因為收藏Carl Zeiss Lens是一種長期又花錢的行為....contax說變面馬上就變..............那傳統的Carl Zeiss Lens呢?這可能是花上了十年、二十年才兼備的一大羣Lens................想加入數碼行列? 結果竟然是canon......
事實現今很多人都因為朋友身邊都有一部DC或DSLR就開始考慮買相機....但畢竟年代不同了,現在想買相機選擇有點多不可數!除了DC或DSLR或SLR外還有無數品版可以選購!更不用說120 or 4X5 了.......但對於剛開始的影友們可能考慮的就很不一樣!論相機來說如果只是家中拍拍照..我想你可以買部DC就很好用了,特別是可以同時給老人和小孩一起玩樂但對於一些較有要求的朋友這可能真的有點不足了!論現今DSLR或SLR就成了選擇的必然.DSLR給人的印象是用同一樣的金錢我就可以買到非常了不起的傳統135相機了然而如果選DSLR就是一些KISS機種...在這個前提下我實在想不出一個叫你不要買SLR的導理來.....但是如果你是在這個年代選擇相機,何解不購買單鏡數碼相機(DSLR)呢?在我來看現在的SLR反而是升級時才會想買的機種而且是用正片來拍照而非負片(因為現今的單鏡數碼相機
It has been 20 years since taking photos has become one of my childhood hobbies. With this hobby, I am able to keep the memory of my childhood. Over the past 20 years, I have used many well-knowned cameras such as Canon AE-1 in 1983, Canon- EOS 630 and Nikon -FM2 in 1988, Nikon-F2 in 1989, Contax-RTS-2 in 1996, Contax RTS-3 in 2001, Nikon 4500 and EOS-300D in 2003. Now the world has entered into a digital era and I enjoy the freedom of photography very much. Many people have asked me how to use the Carl Zeiss lens with EOS-300D but I was unable to answer them because my English is not good. Recently, a friend of mine has translated my answers as follows:
It is a touching moment. Carl Zeiss lens 135 have finally found a digital home. Since Contax changed to a new face, the group of Carl Zeiss lens could only stay in the negative films world. The Nikon Super CoolScan 400 ED can only be the substitute. The Carl Zeiss lens can never be in the digital world.
Being enjoy taking photos myself, I bought a Nikon 4500 to have more practice (because films are very perfect, but it's expensive) Therefore I can only take RTS3 on weekends.
On 9/26/03 I went to the Cannon display store, I bought 18/4...and one y>c adapter to try on different models. The result was surprisingly good. The 18>300 lens were perfectly fitted with the Cannon 300D, and without the black edge. The color was sharp and gorgeous. It was a really touching moment. Carl Zeiss lens have found a digital home. The requirements of the iris, each Carl Zeiss lens can now enter the digital world.
If you are awared of the Cannon 300D, it is different than other models. Other than the price is lower, Cmos can achieve 15.1mm * 22.7mm and it is in one piece, 630 mega pixels. Cannon has become more aggressive of the development (EOS is common to use for everyone)
We may discover EOS has added a len specifically for EOS 300D to use. The brand new lens EF 18-55mm, even EOS 10D cannot use this lens. Why? Because EOS 300D has made a few mm smaller (friends of Contax, lucky for Carl Zeiss lens) because of this little space, our Carl Zeiss with the adapter can be perfectly fitted, even for 25/2.8 can also be perfectly fitted together.
Also we should pay attention to EOS Kiss Digital, the lens cannot be compared with Carl Zeiss. But with the high tech appearance, Contax cannot compare with others. A little reminder...not all the EOS plus adapter can be fitted with all the lens. 300D is a special one ( I don't have all the Carl Zeiss lens, but I can speak for the 6 lens that I have)
The adapters don't have any specific models. It is made by the people who are good at mechanics and work well with cameras. We know only Kenko produce adapters *1.2 and *1.4, but it doesn't fit well with the Carl Zeiss lens. Since people have different levels of skills and knowledge, the quality and quantity may vary. From my personal experiences, No.1: Japan, No.2: Hong Kong, No.3:Taiwan, No.4: Singapore. Be sure to try first before you buy it. The price is around US$100- US$285, depends on the appearance, materials and technical skills. Also depends on the production area of the lens. Be sure to ask where the lens are being produced. Secondly, popular selling place is also a good sign. Consumption is the motivation... Thanks to my friends. We found out that these are the lens 300D can use and won't scratch the C/Y lens...18/F4, 21/F2.8, 25/F2.8, 28/F2.8, 35/F1.4, 50/F1.4, 80/F1.4, ZOOM 35-135 F3.3/4.5, 100/F2, 100/2.8 Makro, 300/f4, 100MM/F2 AEG, 135MM/F2.8MMJ, 200MM/F4 AEG, ZOOM 28~70MM /F3.4 MMJ, VS28-85/F3.3-4 I don't know about other lens since I haven't tried them, but I think it should not be a problem.
I have been using EOS 300D + Cari Zeiss T* Lenses for more than a year. I chose it because it¡¦s easy to use and my personal needs. Although this is not the perfect choice, without other better choices I chose CY adaptor. It turned out that it was a good decision. In reality, I always use COS 300D with Cari Zeiss T* Lenses. Its single len digital camera(DSLR). It is very convenient (because I can save the films) Also I don¡¦t need to bring all the different kinds of films for different occasions. It has more flexibility and opportunity to improve your skills. It can be used as AUTO(AV) or Manuel depending on the matter of money. At the end, you may discover DSLR is more practical ( I am sure about this unless you don¡¦t like photography) You can choose SLR when you have improved your skills and have 3-4 lenses. With today¡¦s technology and even after 10 years, DSLR is still hard to compare with the film projectors because of its detailed features. Even you have one at home, you must need the theater set up in order to compare with the film projectors. However, the traditional SLR cameras usually last around 2-3 years. When you have more money, your traditional SLR camera can become your companion for life and turn out to be a piece of art. The DSLR will become an antique after 7-8 years. All the super digital cameras will become a joke, but they will bring you lots of good memories. (e.g. NIKON 4000ED, ¡BNIKON 4500ED, ¡BCANON EOS 300D...we can imagine its ending) This is not a sad ending since they have completed their services in the digital world, and have made you become a professional photographer. A reminder from me ¡V all the lens no matter its good or bad, they are a piece of art. They are all different. Because of today¡¦s high tech skills, they are very similar but still have slight differences. The unique colors of Cari Zeiss T* Lenses can been seen from traditional cameras and digital cameras as well. Now we don¡¦t need to go through the unprofessional process of developing films. We will have more understanding of each len and its characteristics. From my personal experiences, I feel that the digital photos don¡¦t have the dimensional texture as the negative films.