
HTC Touch HD

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hkjojo (2個心得) 於 2010-01-19 15:05:43
不推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
如下. 而且Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.X 明顯力不從心....
不明白為什麼這麼多人說 HTC HD 的好話, 我買了一星期便開始後悔...

1) CPU 不夠快...只是看 320 x 240 的 mp4 比我的 nokia N series 要差很多, 窒得非常明顯!! 不要說看 640x480 的 movies 了.. Load 大的網頁也比較慢...
2) 電池用得很快, 可能因為 screen size 大.
3) 重量不輕.
4) 輕觸式的 screen 會很快過時, 也比熱感式的 screen 反應差及不好用. 手指毛多是不用多說也知.
5) 其實也有很多 flash 的 網頁是看不到的.
6) HTC / Dopod 獨有的 怪怪 USB 腳很難配... (非 standard micro-USB or mini-USB !!!)
最後更新:2010-01-19 15:11:50
iron18 (5個心得) 於 2009-06-11 12:19:48
推薦此產品 (使用了 6 個月)
1. Comfortable & easy to hold (Thinnest in the world compare with same product)
2. Sharpness screen (highest resolution compare with same product)
3. Stable OS (never held in normal operations)
4. Many many software
5. 3.5 earphone out
6. ....
1. no light for taking phone
2. expensive
3. not too many accessaries product
HTC Top class product in the moment, liable machine in terms of PDA & moblie phone.
pac768 (1個心得) 於 2009-05-10 01:42:23
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 日)
stable phone, very good display, less than HK$6K make me comfort to buy
camera quality is so so
Just bought from Broadway yesterday, latest price less than HK$6K
Helicon (5個心得) 於 2009-03-11 16:34:29
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
Same as other comments, but need to emphasis:

1. Battery power is really good, long lasting.
2. HTC makes the WM even more stable! the chance of hang is very low!
1. HTC try to similate iPhone, but the touch operation is not as good as . Some functions really need the physical navigation button. May be it is the need of WM.
2. Response is not as fast as many guys said, but acceptable!
3. watch movie? no good ! I tried, HTC embedded software and coreplayer, not as smooth as iPhone. any other good software or setting provided for better movie performance?
4. cannot answer any incoming phone call, if you are enable the password screen lock. is the TouchFLO 3D bug? any solutions?
In all, I like touch HD very much, due to stable, long battery life, WM, large LCD screen, thin, stylish... really bad I cannot use password screen lock.
SKwan (2個心得) 於 2009-03-06 23:11:27
推薦此產品 (使用了 2 個月)
- Good Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and Mobile Data connection
- TouchFLO 3D bring much convenience to the users
- Smart design
- 3.8" VGA Screen is great, especially using the device on GPS, internet browsing, watching movies
- No up/down/left/right/action button trouble the users when using some programs which do not support touchflo
- Home key and Back key cannot be set to other functions or programs even if using AE Button Plus
- No screen lock if "Today" uses TouchFLO 3D
- Reset button is inside the back cover.
I have used a PDA called Dell X50v for three years. Its 3.7" VGA screen and 624Mhz CPU have made me reluctant in buying any new PPC phones I had met before.

Touch HD's appearance and screen colours are very attractive. 528Mhz CPU makes the device run smoothly( ... after hotfixes) even though I think it is not enough.

In two months, I have installed/uninstalled about 30-40 softwares and I need to reset the device for 3-4 times each day. Even so, now it still run as the new one.
最後更新:2009-03-07 11:09:26
meowooi (1個心得) 於 2009-02-05 17:55:35
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
1) 系統極穩定 (基本上無死過機)
2) 功能齊 (個人覺得好過iphone 3G)
3) touch flo 3D 很方便好用
4) mon大, touch screen 反應好
5) HTC 很怏針對問題出了hotifx
6) 電量夠 (active use 都起碼日半)
7) screen keyboard 好用
8) 上網快, 唔會好似iphone成日彈
9) 通話質數OK,穩定
1) 機身/機底鋼琴邊極易花
2) 睇片流暢程度及load video速度差過iphone (個人覺得差好多)
3) 內置記憶體少 (但可插咭)
4) 有時始終要用筆操控
5) 6千蚊有啲貴
6) 相機無補光燈
7) 跟機鬧鐘無得揀MP3
市場上最好的window mobile phone,比起i908好好多.如果5千幾蚊就好抵買